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You choose the encryption level
Decide by yourself how deeply you protect your files. Bigger protection will limit the usability of the platform making it more secure


Your encryption key will be saved in our caching mechanism for better user performence

All files are encrypted with unique key

All files encrypted with AES-256

Files and keys on separated locations

Single maximum file size 5GB



You will be asked for the encryption key every time you login to the system. You can then use it as a normal dropbox type service. The keys are removed when you're logging out

All files are encrypted with unique key

All files encrypted with AES-256

Files and keys on separated locations

Single maximum file size 5GB

Keys are not saved in our database

Keys are temporarily saved in cache

Keys are removed by logging out

Highly secured

You will be asked for the encryption key every time you try to upload and download something. The keys are dynamically taken to do the encryption/decryption functions.

Files and keys on separated locations

Single maximum file size 5GB

Keys are not saved in our database

Keys are not saved in cache

Keys just start encryption/decryption

Files and keys are protected
We do everything what we can to protect the access to your files on a level you choose
Files are stored in AWS cloud encrypted with unique keys. They are protected from being destroyed. The files are saved randomly without any information about the owner, type or format.
Depend on the level of protection you will choose keys are stored in our database, cache or nowwhere. The keys are used on a separated decryption/encryption server. We keep them separated from the files.

Build your encrypted file storage

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